Monday, March 22, 2010

How To Lose Belly Fat

By Randolph Harris

Belly fat, which is also referred to as stomach fat, visceral fat, pot belly, and such like is the sort of fat that's found deeper in the body compared to subcutaneous fat, which is located just beneath the skin. Belly fat is especially perilous since it collects around the organs in the stomach. Health practitioners are sounding the alarm increasingly as more and more Americans are being diagnosed every day with high levels of cholesterol, diabetes, heart diseases, and so on each one of them linked to belly fat. So, these are some tips about how to lose belly fat :

Lose Belly Fat By Eating Foods That Burn Fat : Foods that are protein rich and low in carbohydrates, sugar, and saturated fats are the best for losing belly fat. Eggs, fish, lean meats, complicated carbohydrates like veggies, whole grains, and a variety of natural fruits which are not sweetened or canned are the way to go.

Avoid easy, refined carbs that contain white sugar or white flour. Include healthy fats like fish fats, seeds and nuts, olive oil, and so on. Necessary fatty acids are obligatory for process of burning body fat, particularly belly fat.

Lose Belly Fat By Drinking The Right Fluids : In order to lose belly fat, you need to drink lots of water, particularly when you workout or sweat. Your body requires water to function at its optimum best. When you're dehydrated, the organs in the body work harder to keep the water reserve of the body. The liver, which assists in burning fat to produce energy, is one of the significant organs that suffers the most. When the liver's function is checked, then the process of burning fat will not be as effective as it must be. Avoid drinking canned fruit juices, chocolate drinks, and soft rinks, since their sugar content is awfully high.

Lose belly fat by lifting weights : Working out with weights causes the abdominal muscles to work harder and so become tighter. Chest presses, lat pull downs, dumbbell rows, free weight squats, and so on , will force your intestinal muscles to work, since in order to perform these exercises correctly, the core muscles need to be stabilized.

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